TestRail是一款用于管理、跟踪和组织软件测试的测试用例管理软件。TestRail插件自动将Squish Test Center的测试结果推送到TestRail,并允许由TestRail触发的自动化任务。
一旦您设置了TestRail实例(无论是基于云的还是服务器的),登录Squish Test Center,在全局设置中开启TestRail集成。填写所需的字段,然后点击更新以保存设置。
- 服务器URL:您的TestRail实例的URL。
- 用户名:拥有TestRail API访问权限的TestRail账户用户名。
- API密钥:TestRail API的密码或API密钥。
注意:强烈建议您使用TestRail API密钥而不是账户密码。有关如何设置您的API密钥的更多信息,请参阅TestRail文档中的用户名和API密钥。
点击同步项目按钮,获取TestRail项目,并使它们出现在关联列表中,在那里您可以映射TestRail项目与其Squish Test Center相反数。
要将拉取的TestRail测试映射到Squish Test Center在可追溯性视图中管理的测试,请点击映射列中的表格条目中的编辑按钮。选择要关联的TestRail测试用例,并点击应用更改。
注意:此功能仅支持TestRail的服务器(非云)版本,并需要具有API访问功能的Squish Test Center许可证。
要从TestRail中启用自动执行Squish测试用例,请将提供的UI脚本和触发脚本添加到您的TestRail实例,并指定Squish Test Center 测试执行设置。在TestRail案例、套件、运行和计划视图中将出现执行关联的Squish测试按钮。如果TestRail测试用例(或套件或运行中包含的案例)映射到一个或多个Squish测试用例,它将自动执行并将结果上传到Squish Test Center。
- 作为TestRail管理员,在TestRail网络应用中创建一个新的UI脚本,并将其替换为提供的UI脚本内容
name: Trigger Execution of associated Squish tests + PLANS AND RUNS description: Triggers execution of Squish tests for a run, test plan, suite or single case author: froglogic GmbH version: 1.0 includes: ^(suites/view|cases/view|plans|runs) excludes: ^(runs/overview) js: $(document).ready( function() { /* Create the button. */ var button = $( [ '<div class="toolbar content-header-toolbar">', '<a class="toolbar-button toolbar-button-last toolbar-button-first content-header-button button-start" href="javascript:void(0)">', 'Execute Associated Squish Test(s)', '</a>', '</div>' ].join('') ); /* Add it to the toolbar. */ $('#content-header .content-header-inner').prepend(button); /* Bind the click event to trigger the associated Squish tests. */ $('a', button).click( function() { // find out which page we are on (suite/case or plan or run) // NOTE: a case always has suite context, but runs are not necessarily part of a plan, thus not always having a plan context if ( uiscripts.context.run ) { // run view page fetchExecutionFromRun( // on success function( execution ) { triggerSquishTestExecutions( [ execution ] ); }, // on failure function( errormsg ) { App.Dialogs.error( errormsg ); } ); } else if ( uiscripts.context.plan ) { // plan view page fetchExecutionListFromPlan( // on success function( executionlist ) { triggerSquishTestExecutions( executionlist ); }, // on failure function( errormsg ) { App.Dialogs.error( errormsg ); } ); } else if ( uiscripts.context.case ) { // case view page var execution = {}; execution['user'] = uiscripts.context.user.email; execution['tests'] = [ uiscripts.context.case.id ]; triggerSquishTestExecutions( [ execution ] ); } else if ( uiscripts.context.suite ) { // suite view page fetchExecutionFromSuite( // on success function( execution ) { triggerSquishTestExecutions( [ execution ] ); }, // on failure function( errormsg ) { App.Dialogs.error( errormsg ); } ); } else { App.Dialogs.error( 'Could not find any context to execute a test in.' ); } } ); } ); function fetchExecutionFromRun( onSuccess, onFailure ) { get( 'get_run/' + uiscripts.context.run.id, function( run ) { get( 'get_tests/' + uiscripts.context.run.id, function( tests ) { get( 'get_configs/' + uiscripts.context.project.id, function( configs ) { var execution = {}; execution['user'] = uiscripts.context.user.email; execution['tests'] = tests.map( function( item ) { return item.case_id; } ); execution['labels'] = [ { 'key': '.testrail.run', 'value': 'R' + uiscripts.context.run.id.toString() } ]; // if the run is part of a plan, attach a batch name and - if available - configurations if ( uiscripts.context.plan ) { execution['batch'] = createPlanBatchName(); execution['labels'] = execution['labels'].concat( createLabelsFromConfigIds( configs, run.config_ids ) ); } onSuccess( execution ); }, function() { onFailure( 'An error occurred while fetching run configurations for this project.' ); } ); }, function() { onFailure( 'An error occurred while fetching the test cases for this run.' ); } ); }, function() { onFailure( 'An error occurred while fetching the run.' ); } ); } function fetchExecutionListFromPlan( onSuccess, onFailure ) { get( 'get_plan/' + uiscripts.context.plan.id, function( plan ) { get( 'get_configs/' + uiscripts.context.project.id, function( configs ) { var run_ids = []; plan.entries.forEach( function( entry ) { run_ids = run_ids.concat( entry.runs.map( function( run ) { return run.id; } ) ) } ); if ( run_ids.length == 0 ) { onFailure( 'Selected test plan does not contain any runs.' ); return; } var executionlist = []; var batchName = createPlanBatchName(); var collectTests = function( runIds ) { get( 'get_tests/' + runIds[0], function( tests ) { var execution = {}; execution['user'] = uiscripts.context.user.email; execution['tests'] = tests.map( function( item ) { return item.case_id; } ); execution['labels'] = [ { 'key': '.testrail.run', 'value': 'R' + runIds[0].toString() } ]; execution['batch'] = batchName; // get run and add configuration labels plan.entries.forEach( function( entry ) { entry.runs.forEach( function( run ) { if ( run.id == runIds[0] ) { execution['labels'] = execution['labels'].concat( createLabelsFromConfigIds( configs, run.config_ids ) ); } } ); } ); executionlist.push( execution ); if ( runIds.length == 1 ) { onSuccess( executionlist ); } else { collectTests( runIds.slice( 1, runIds.length ) ); } }, function() { onFailure( 'An error occurred while fetching tests.' ); } ); }; collectTests( run_ids ); }, function() { onFailure( 'An error occurred while fetching run configurations for this project.' ); } ); }, function() { onFailure( 'An error occurred while fetching the test plan.' ); } ); } function fetchExecutionFromSuite( onSuccess, onFailure ) { get( 'get_cases/' + uiscripts.context.project.id + '&suite_id=' + uiscripts.context.suite.id, function( cases ) { var execution = {}; execution['user'] = uiscripts.context.user.email; execution['tests'] = cases.map( function( item ) { return item.id; } ); onSuccess( execution ); }, function() { onFailure( 'An error occurred while fetching the list cases for this suite.' ); } ); } function triggerSquishTestExecutions( executions ) { $.ajax( { url: 'squishtestcenterintegration.php', dataType: 'json', contentType: 'application/json', data: JSON.stringify( executions ), type: 'POST', success: function() { location.reload(); }, error: function( data ) { App.Dialogs.error( 'An error occurred while trying to trigger the associated Squish tests:\n' + JSON.stringify( data ) ); } } ); App.Dialogs.message( 'Sending test execution(s) to Squish TestCenter...\n' + 'The page will reload once the Squish test executions have been scheduled.', 'Confirmation' ); } function get( apiCall, onSuccess, onFailure ) { $.ajax( { url: 'index.php?/api/v2/' + apiCall, dataType: 'json', contentType: 'application/json', type: 'GET', success: function( data ) { onSuccess( data ); }, error: function( data ) { onFailure( data ); } } ); } function createLabelsFromConfigIds( configData, configIds ) { var groupTable = {}; var configTable = {}; configData.forEach( function( configGroup ) { groupTable[configGroup.id] = configGroup.name; configGroup.configs.forEach( function( config ) { configTable[config.id] = { name: config.name, groupId: config.group_id }; } ); } ); var labels = configIds.map( function( id ) { var config = configTable[id]; return { key: groupTable[config.groupId], value: config.name }; } ); return labels; } function createPlanBatchName() { return uiscripts.context.plan.name + '-' + Date.now(); }
- 将
触发脚本文件放入TestRail安装目录。有关更多信息,请参阅TestRail文档中的测试自动化UI脚本。 - 在触发
脚本中,编辑以下行,以包含您的Squish Test Center实例的URL地址以及用户登录名和密码。define('SQUISHTESTCENTER_ADDRESS', '[Squish TestCenter URL]'); define('SQUISHTESTCENTER_API_USER', '[User login]'); define('SQUISHTESTCENTER_API_PASSWORD', '[User password]');
提供的用户必须具有访问Squish TestCenter API的权限。
- 检查Squish Test Center中的测试自动化设置全局设置 > 测试执行视图。对Squish找到您的测试套件,必须设置Squish测试套件目录。
- Squish安装目录:要使用的Squish安装的位置。它必须位于与Squish Test Center相同的计算机上。
- 自定义Squishserver主机地址:运行squishserver的(远程)主机的地址或URL。
- 自定义Squishserver端口:(远程)squishserver使用的端口。
- Squish测试套件目录:将执行Squish Test Center的Squish测试套件的文件夹的文件路径。
如果在TestRail运行或计划视图中指定了运行,Squish Test Center结果上传将包含指定具有前置字母R的TestRail运行ID的.testrail.run
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