Qt Quick 3D - 自定义效果示例
此示例实现了自己的自定义后处理效果,然后通过 SceneEnvironment::effects 应用到场景上。它演示了只有片段着色器的简单类型效果,以及同时有顶点和片段着色器的更复杂情况,并提供两者之间的数据传递。
Effect { id: eff1 property TextureInput tex: TextureInput { id: qtLogo texture: Texture { source: "qt_logo_rect.png" } } passes: Pass { shaders: Shader { id: fs1 stage: Shader.Fragment shader: "effect.frag" } } }
void MAIN() { vec4 c = texture(tex, TEXTURE_UV); FRAGCOLOR = c * texture(INPUT, INPUT_UV); }
在 .vert 和 .frag 文件中使用的着色器片段使用内置关键词编写,如 Effect 文档中所述。具有基本类型的自定义属性以及具有 TextureInput 类型的属性将自动作为 uniforms 和 samplers 暴露给着色器。
和 uGreen
,其中 uRed
Effect { id: eff2 property real uRed: 0.0 SequentialAnimation { running: radioEff2.checked || radioEff3.checked loops: Animation.Infinite NumberAnimation { target: eff2; property: "uRed"; from: 0; to: 1; duration: 2000 } NumberAnimation { target: eff2; property: "uRed"; from: 1; to: 0; duration: 2000 } } property real uGreen: 1.0 Shader { id: vs2 stage: Shader.Vertex shader: "effect2.vert" } Shader { id: fs2 stage: Shader.Fragment shader: "effect2.frag" } passes: Pass { shaders: [ vs2, fs2 ] } }
此效果的片段着色器通过修改采样坐标创建扭曲。计算使用来自片段着色器的 center_vec
。最后,着色器使用 uRed
和 uGreen
uniforms 调整颜色。请注意,这些 uniforms 不必在着色器中声明
VARYING vec2 center_vec; void MAIN() { float radius = 0.25; float dist_to_center = length(center_vec) / radius; vec2 texcoord = INPUT_UV; if (dist_to_center <= 1.0) { float rotation_amount = (1.0 - dist_to_center) * (1.0 - dist_to_center); float r = radians(360.0) * rotation_amount / 4.0; float cos_r = cos(r); float sin_r = sin(r); mat2 rotation = mat2(cos_r, sin_r, -sin_r, cos_r); texcoord = vec2(0.5, 0.5) + rotation * (INPUT_UV - vec2(0.5, 0.5)); } vec4 c = texture(INPUT, texcoord); c.r *= uRed; c.g *= uGreen; FRAGCOLOR = c; }
- customeffect/CMakeLists.txt
- customeffect/customeffect.pro
- customeffect/effect.frag
- customeffect/effect2.frag
- customeffect/effect2.vert
- customeffect/main.cpp
- customeffect/main.qml
- customeffect/qml.qrc
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