QML 动态视图排序教程 2 - 拖动视图项
既然我们已经有一个可见的项列表,我们希望与之交互。我们将首先扩展 delegate,以便可见内容可以拖动到屏幕的上下位置。更新的 delegate 看起来像这样
Component { id: dragDelegate MouseArea { id: dragArea property bool held: false required property string name required property string type required property string size required property int age anchors { left: parent?.left right: parent?.right } height: content.height drag.target: held ? content : undefined drag.axis: Drag.YAxis onPressAndHold: held = true onReleased: held = false Rectangle { id: content anchors { horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter } width: dragArea.width height: column.implicitHeight + 4 border.width: 1 border.color: "lightsteelblue" color: dragArea.held ? "lightsteelblue" : "white" Behavior on color { ColorAnimation { duration: 100 } } radius: 2 states: State { when: dragArea.held ParentChange { target: content parent: root } AnchorChanges { target: content anchors { horizontalCenter: undefined verticalCenter: undefined } } } Column { id: column anchors { fill: parent margins: 2 } Text { text: qsTr('Name: ') + dragArea.name } Text { text: qsTr('Type: ') + dragArea.type } Text { text: qsTr('Age: ') + dragArea.age } Text { text: qsTr('Size: ') + dragArea.size } } } } }
这里的主要变化是 delegate 的根项现在是一个 MouseArea,它提供鼠标事件处理器,并可允许我们拖动 delegate 的内容项。它还作为内容项的容器,这在 delegate 的根项由视图定位且不能通过其他方式移动时很重要。
MouseArea { id: dragArea property bool held: false required property string name required property string type required property string size required property int age anchors { left: parent?.left right: parent?.right } height: content.height drag.target: held ? content : undefined drag.axis: Drag.YAxis onPressAndHold: held = true onReleased: held = false Rectangle { id: content } }
通过将内容项绑定到 MouseArea 的 drag.target 属性来启用内容项的拖动。因为我们仍然想要可滚动的视图,所以我们会在 MouseArea 的 pressAndHold 信号发出之前绑定拖动目标。这样,当鼠标在保持时间限制到期之前移动时,它被解释为移动列表;如果它在持续时间之后移动,则被解释为拖动一个项。为了使用户更明显地知道何时可以拖动项,我们将在超时时间到时改变内容项的背景颜色。
color: dragArea.held ? "lightsteelblue" : "white" Behavior on color { ColorAnimation { duration: 100 } }
states: State { when: dragArea.held ParentChange { target: content parent: root } AnchorChanges { target: content anchors { horizontalCenter: undefined verticalCenter: undefined } } }
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