要比较两个值并将比较结果写入测试日志,请使用Boolean test.compare(value1, value2)函数。要简单地检查某个条件是否为真(即检查布尔值),请使用Boolean test.verify(condition)函数。要将一些中性信息写入测试日志的特定测试运行点,请使用test.log(message)函数,要将警告写入测试日志,请使用test.warning(message)函数。
lineedit = waitForObject(":Address Book - Add.Forename:_QLabel") test.verify(lineedit.enabled) test.compare(lineedit.text, "Jane") test.log("Important note", "This is an important note about the test") test.warning("Suspicious warning", "This test is incomplete and should be extended!")
var lineedit = waitForObject(":Address Book - Add.Forename:_QLabel"); test.verify(lineedit.enabled); test.compare(lineedit.text, "John"); test.log("Important note", "This is an important note about the test"); test.warning("Suspicious warning", "This test is incomplete and should be extended!");
my $lineedit = waitForObject(":Address Book - Add.Forename:_QLabel"); test::verify($lineedit->enabled); test::compare($lineedit->text, "Jane"); test::log("Important note", "This is an important note about the test"); test::warning("Suspicious warning", "This test is incomplete and should be extended!");
lineedit = waitForObject(":Address Book - Add.Forename:_QLabel") Test.verify(lineedit.enabled) Test.compare(lineedit.text, "Jane") Test.log("Important note", "This is an important note about the test") Test.warning("Suspicious warning", "This test is incomplete and should be extended!")
set lineedit [waitForObject ":Address Book - Add.Forename:_QLabel"] test verify [property get $lineedit enabled] test compare [property get $lineedit text] "John" test log "Important note" "This is an important note about the test" test warning "Suspicious warning" \ "This test is incomplete and should be extended!"
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