Qt Quick 3D - 快速球示例
演示如何使用 Quick3D 创建一个简单游戏。
此示例演示如何结合 Qt Quick 和 Qt Quick 3D 创建一个简单的 3D 游戏。游戏的目标是通过扔球来击中目标箱子。根据击倒所有目标的速度和球数多少来给分。瞄准准,但要快!
源代码在一个单独的 QML 文件中,以强调这个例子是多么紧凑,考虑到它是一个可以完整玩的游戏。让我们先看看主要属性。这些都是相当自解释的,你可以轻易调整它们来看看它们如何影响游戏。
// Scaling helpper readonly property real px: 0.2 + Math.min(width, height) / 800 // This is false until the first game has started property bool playingStarted: false // This is true whenever game is on property bool gameOn: false // Sizes of our 3D models readonly property real ballSize: 40 readonly property real targetSize: 120 // Playing time in seconds readonly property real gameTime: 60 property real currentTime: 0 // Amount of balls per game readonly property int gameBalls: 20 property int currentBalls: 0 // Scores property int score: 0 property int timeBonus: 0 property int ballsBonus: 0
游戏逻辑用 JavaScript 实现。《View3D》包含一个开始游戏的函数,该函数初始化所有需要的变量并创建关卡目标。它还包含一个计算游戏结束时最终得分的函数。
function createLevel1() { // Simple level of target items var level1 = [{ "x": 0, "y": 100, "z": -100, "points": 10 }, { "x": -300, "y": 100, "z": -400, "points": 10 }, { "x": 300, "y": 100, "z": -400, "points": 10 }, { "x": -200, "y": 400, "z": -600, "points": 20 }, { "x": 0, "y": 400, "z": -600, "points": 20 }, { "x": 200, "y": 400, "z": -600, "points": 20 }, { "x": 0, "y": 700, "z": -600, "points": 30 }]; targetsNode.addTargets(level1); } function startGame() { ballModel.resetBall(); targetsNode.resetTargets(); createLevel1(); score = timeBonus = ballsBonus = 0; currentBalls = gameBalls; gameOn = true; playingStarted = true; } function endGame() { if (targetsNode.currentTargets == 0) { // If we managed to get all targets down -> bonus points! timeBonus = mainWindow.currentTime; ballsBonus = currentBalls * 10; } gameOn = false; }
PointLight { x: 400 y: 1200 castsShadow: true shadowMapQuality: Light.ShadowMapQualityHigh shadowFactor: 50 quadraticFade: 2 ambientColor: "#202020" brightness: mainWindow.gameOn ? 200 : 40 Behavior on brightness { NumberAnimation { duration: 1000 easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad } } }
扔球使用 Qt Quick 《MouseArea》项,只在游戏进行中且球未移动时启用。
MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent enabled: mainWindow.gameOn && !ballModel.ballMoving onPressed: { ballModel.moveBall(mouseX, mouseY); } onPositionChanged: { ballModel.moveBall(mouseX, mouseY); } onReleased: { ballModel.throwBall(); } }
然后我们进入实际的 3D 模型。球模型是最大的,因为它包含球的行为逻辑、动画和击打检测。让我们首先看看球属性。球使用内置的球体模型,根据 ballSize
缩放。我们使用 DefaultMaterial,并带有 diffuseMap 和 normalMap 来创建网球外观。
Model { id: ballModel property real directionX: 0 property real directionY: 0 // How many ms the ball flies readonly property real speed: 2000 readonly property real ballScale: mainWindow.ballSize / 100 property var moves: [] readonly property int maxMoves: 5 readonly property bool ballMoving: ballAnimation.running source: "#Sphere" scale: Qt.vector3d(ballScale, ballScale, ballScale) materials: DefaultMaterial { diffuseMap: Texture { source: "images/ball.jpg" } normalMap: Texture { source: "images/ball_n.jpg" } bumpAmount: 1.0 }
当鼠标移动或触摸屏滑动时,在松开球之前的 maxMoves
个位置存储到 moves
数组中。当用户松开球时,调用 throwBall()
function resetBall() { moves = []; x = 0; y = mainWindow.ballSize/2; z = 400; } function moveBall(posX, posY) { var pos = view3D.mapTo3DScene(Qt.vector3d(posX, posY, ballModel.z + mainWindow.ballSize)); pos.y = Math.max(mainWindow.ballSize / 2, pos.y); var point = {"x": pos.x, "y": pos.y }; moves.push(point); if (moves.length > maxMoves) moves.shift(); // Apply position into ball model ballModel.x = pos.x; ballModel.y = pos.y; } function throwBall() { mainWindow.currentBalls--; var moveX = 0; var moveY = 0; if (moves.length >= 2) { var first = moves.shift(); var last = moves.pop(); moveX = last.x - first.x; moveY = last.y - first.y; if (moveY < 0) moveY = 0; } directionX = moveX * 20; directionY = moveY * 4; ballAnimation.start(); }
球的位置在各个轴向上独立动画化。这些动画使用之前分配的 directionX
和 directionY
来定义球移动到的位置,以及 speed
ParallelAnimation { id: ballAnimation running: false // Move forward NumberAnimation { target: ballModel property: "z" duration: ballModel.speed to: -ballModel.directionY * 5 easing.type: Easing.OutQuad } // Move up & down with a bounce SequentialAnimation { NumberAnimation { target: ballModel property: "y" duration: ballModel.speed * (1 / 3) to: ballModel.y + ballModel.directionY easing.type: Easing.OutQuad } NumberAnimation { target: ballModel property: "y" duration: ballModel.speed * (2 / 3) to: mainWindow.ballSize / 4 easing.type: Easing.OutBounce } } // Move sideways NumberAnimation { target: ballModel property: "x" duration: ballModel.speed to: ballModel.x + ballModel.directionX } onFinished: { if (mainWindow.currentBalls <= 0) view3D.endGame(); ballModel.resetBall(); } } NumberAnimation on eulerRotation.z { running: ballModel.ballMoving loops: Animation.Infinite from: ballModel.directionX < 0 ? 0 : 720 to: 360 duration: 10000 / (2 + Math.abs(ballModel.directionX * 0.05)) }
onZChanged: { // Loop through target items and detect collisions var hitMargin = mainWindow.ballSize / 2 + mainWindow.targetSize / 2; for (var i = 0; i < targetsNode.targets.length; ++i) { var target = targetsNode.targets[i]; var targetPos = target.scenePosition; var hit = ballModel.scenePosition.fuzzyEquals(targetPos, hitMargin); if (hit) { target.hit(); if (targetsNode.currentTargets <= 0) view3D.endGame(); } } }
Node { id: targetsNode property var targets: [] property int currentTargets: 0 function addTargets(items) { items.forEach(function (item) { let instance = targetComponent.createObject( targetsNode, { "x": item.x, "startPosY": item.y, "z": item.z, "points": item.points}); targets.push(instance); }); currentTargets = targets.length; } function removeTarget(item) { var index = targets.indexOf(item); targets.splice(index, 1); currentTargets = targets.length; } function resetTargets() { while (targets.length > 0) targets.pop().destroy(); currentTargets = targets.length; } }
Component { id: targetComponent Node { id: targetNode property int points: 0 property real hide: 0 property real startPosY: 0 property real posY: 0 property real pointsOpacity: 0 function hit() { targetsNode.removeTarget(this); mainWindow.score += points; hitAnimation.start(); var burstPos = targetNode.mapPositionToScene(Qt.vector3d(0, 0, 0)); hitParticleEmitter.burst(100, 200, burstPos); } y: startPosY + posY SequentialAnimation { running: mainWindow.gameOn && !hitAnimation.running loops: Animation.Infinite NumberAnimation { target: targetNode property: "posY" from: 0 to: 150 duration: 3000 easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad } NumberAnimation { target: targetNode property: "posY" to: 0 duration: 1500 easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad } } SequentialAnimation { id: hitAnimation NumberAnimation { target: targetNode property: "hide" to: 1 duration: 800 easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad } NumberAnimation { target: targetNode property: "pointsOpacity" to: 1 duration: 1000 easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad } NumberAnimation { target: targetNode property: "pointsOpacity" to: 0 duration: 200 easing.type: Easing.InOutQuad } ScriptAction { script: targetNode.destroy(); } } Model { id: targetModel readonly property real targetScale: (1 + targetNode.hide) * (mainWindow.targetSize / 100) source: "#Cube" scale: Qt.vector3d(targetScale, targetScale, targetScale) opacity: 0.99 - targetNode.hide * 2 materials: DefaultMaterial { diffuseMap: Texture { source: "images/qt_logo.jpg" } normalMap: Texture { source: "images/qt_logo_n.jpg" } bumpAmount: 1.0 } Vector3dAnimation on eulerRotation { loops: Animation.Infinite duration: 5000 from: Qt.vector3d(0, 0, 0) to: Qt.vector3d(360, 360, 360) } } Text { anchors.centerIn: parent scale: 1 + targetNode.pointsOpacity opacity: targetNode.pointsOpacity text: targetNode.points font.pixelSize: 60 * mainWindow.px color: "#808000" style: Text.Outline styleColor: "#f0f000" } } }
Model { source: "#Rectangle" scale: Qt.vector3d(50, 50, 1) eulerRotation.x: -90 materials: DefaultMaterial { diffuseMap: Texture { source: "images/grass.jpg" tilingModeHorizontal: Texture.Repeat tilingModeVertical: Texture.Repeat scaleU: 25.0 scaleV: 25.0 } normalMap: Texture { source: "images/grass_n.jpg" } bumpAmount: 0.6 } }
天空模型位于更后面,我们不希望天空出现阴影,因此将receivesShadows设置为false。对于天空,我们使用Qt Quick Particles模块添加一些星星。类似于其他2D Qt Quick元素,粒子也可以直接添加到3D节点内部。
Model { id: sky property real scaleX: 100 property real scaleY: 20 source: "#Rectangle" scale: Qt.vector3d(sky.scaleX, sky.scaleY, 1) position: Qt.vector3d(0, 960, -2000) // We don't want shadows casted into sky receivesShadows: false materials: DefaultMaterial { diffuseMap: Texture { source: "images/sky.jpg" } } // Star particles Node { z: 500 y: 30 // Stars are far away, scale up to half the resolution scale: Qt.vector3d(2 / sky.scaleX, 2 / sky.scaleY, 1) ParticleSystem { anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter anchors.top: parent.top width: 3000 height: 400 ImageParticle { source: "qrc:///particleresources/star.png" rotationVariation: 360 color: "#ffffa0" colorVariation: 0.1 } Emitter { anchors.fill: parent emitRate: 4 lifeSpan: 6000 lifeSpanVariation: 4000 size: 30 sizeVariation: 20 } } } }
ParticleSystem3D { id: psystem SpriteParticle3D { id: sprite sprite: Texture { source: "images/particle.png" } color: Qt.rgba(1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0) colorVariation: Qt.vector4d(0.4, 0.6, 0.0, 0.0) unifiedColorVariation: true maxAmount: 200 } ParticleEmitter3D { id: hitParticleEmitter particle: sprite particleScale: 4.0 particleScaleVariation: 2.0 particleRotationVariation: Qt.vector3d(0, 0, 180) particleRotationVelocityVariation: Qt.vector3d(0, 0, 250) velocity: VectorDirection3D { direction: Qt.vector3d(0, 300, 0) directionVariation: Qt.vector3d(200, 150, 100) } lifeSpan: 800 lifeSpanVariation: 200 depthBias: 100 } Gravity3D { magnitude: 600 } }
这标志着我们游戏3D部分的结束。还有一些2D Qt Quick元素用于显示时间、得分、开始按钮等,这些对游戏很重要,但与这份Quick 3D文档无关。
- quickball/CMakeLists.txt
- quickball/main.cpp
- quickball/main.qml
- quickball/qml.qrc
- quickball/quickball.pro
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