Monotype WorldType® Shaper Spark™
在 Qt Quick Ultralite 中可选用于复杂数字脚本和双向文本整形。为了避免使用,请使用静态字体引擎。
源代码位于 src/3rdparty/monotype/shaperspark/product。
Copyright (C) 2017-2020 Monotype Imaging Inc. All rights reserved.
扩展 Qt 许可协议。
The Qt Company hereby grants to you a right to use Monotype Spark Solution, including Font Imaging Software and Licensed Fonts, under the same terms as stipulated for use of Licensed Software in Qt License Agreement v4.2.3 or later, as applicable, with the following further restriction: Monotype Spark Solution, including Font Imaging Software and Licensed Fonts, shall be used solely in connection with the Licensed Software, Applications and/or Devices and shall not be extracted or duplicated.
根据某些 Qt 许可证可用。