构建 Android 打包包涉及多个步骤,因此 Qt 伴随一个工具可为您处理这些步骤。由 androiddeployqt 工具处理的步骤在 在 Android 上部署应用程序 一节中进行描述。
运行 androiddeployqt 之前的需求
在手动运行工具之前,您需要使用 CMake
或 qmake
配置您的项目以生成 Makefiles
和一个包含重要设置(例如 android-<target_name>-deployment-settings.json
文件,这些设置由 androiddeployqt
注意: 不建议修改 androiddeployqt JSON 文件。
为了为 androiddeployqt 准备环境,请在与源目录不同的单独目录中配置您的项目。有关配置项目的更多信息,请参阅 从命令行构建 Android 项目 Qt。
运行工具时,仅需要的命令行参数是 --input
和 --output
。其他命令行参数是可选的,但非常有用。以下列表可通过传递 --help
参数到 androiddeployqt 获取。
Syntax: androiddeployqt --output <destination> [options] Creates an Android package in the build directory <destination> and builds it into an .apk file. Optional arguments: --input <inputfile>: Reads <inputfile> for options generated by qmake. A default file name based on the current working directory will be used if nothing else is specified. --deployment <mechanism>: Supported deployment mechanisms: bundled (default): Includes Qt files in stand-alone package. unbundled: Assumes native libraries are present on the device and does not include them in the APK. --aab: Build an Android App Bundle. --no-build: Do not build the package, it is useful to just install a package previously built. --install: Installs apk to device/emulator. By default this step is not taken. If the application has previously been installed on the device, it will be uninstalled first. --reinstall: Installs apk to device/emulator. By default this step is not taken. If the application has previously been installed on the device, it will be overwritten, but its data will be left intact. --device [device ID]: Use specified device for deployment. Default is the device selected by default by adb. --android-platform <platform>: Builds against the given android platform. By default, the highest available version will be used. --release: Builds a package ready for release. By default, the package will be signed with a debug key. --sign <url/to/keystore> <alias>: Signs the package with the specified keystore, alias and store password. Optional arguments for use with signing: --storepass <password>: Keystore password. --storetype <type>: Keystore type. --keypass <password>: Password for private key (if different from keystore password.) --sigfile <file>: Name of .SF/.DSA file. --digestalg <name>: Name of digest algorithm. Default is "SHA-256". --sigalg <name>: Name of signature algorithm. Default is "SHA256withRSA". --tsa <url>: Location of the Time Stamping Authority. --tsacert <alias>: Public key certificate for TSA. --internalsf: Include the .SF file inside the signature block. --sectionsonly: Don't compute hash of entire manifest. --protected: Keystore has protected authentication path. --jarsigner: Deprecated, ignored. NOTE: To conceal the keystore information, the environment variables QT_ANDROID_KEYSTORE_PATH, and QT_ANDROID_KEYSTORE_ALIAS are used to set the values keysotore and alias respectively. Also the environment variables QT_ANDROID_KEYSTORE_STORE_PASS, and QT_ANDROID_KEYSTORE_KEY_PASS are used to set the store and key passwords respectively. This option needs only the --sign parameter. --jdk <path/to/jdk>: Used to find the jarsigner tool when used in combination with the --release argument. By default, an attempt is made to detect the tool using the JAVA_HOME and PATH environment variables, in that order. --qml-import-paths: Specify additional search paths for QML imports. --verbose: Prints out information during processing. --no-generated-assets-cache: Do not pregenerate the entry list for the assets file engine. --aux-mode: Operate in auxiliary mode. This will only copy the dependencies into the build directory and update the XML templates. The project will not be built or installed. --apk <path/where/to/copy/the/apk>: Path where to copy the built apk. --qml-importscanner-binary <path/to/qmlimportscanner>: Override the default qmlimportscanner binary path. By default the qmlimportscanner binary is located using the Qt directory specified in the input file. --depfile <path/to/depfile>: Output a dependency file. --builddir <path/to/build/directory>: build directory. Necessary when generating a depfile because ninja requires relative paths. --no-rcc-bundle-cleanup: skip cleaning rcc bundle directory after running androiddeployqt. This option simplifies debugging of the resource bundle content, but it should not be used when deploying a project, since it litters the 'assets' directory. --copy-dependencies-only: resolve application dependencies and stop deploying process after all libraries and resources that the application depends on have been copied. --help: Displays this information.
使用 project_name
,在不部署到设备的情况下使用 androiddeployqt 构建应用程序包,请运行以下命令
androiddeployqt --input <build_dir>/android-project_name-deployment-settings.json \ --output <build_dir>/android-build
androiddeployqt --input <build_dir>/android-project_name-deployment-settings.json \ --output <build_dir>/android-build --install --device <device_serial_id>
Qt 随带了一些插件,在运行时按需加载。这些插件可以从连接 SQL 数据库到加载特定的图像格式。由于插件在运行时加载,因此检测插件依赖项是不可能的,但 androiddeployqt 尝试根据您的应用程序的 Qt 依赖项猜测这些依赖项。如果插件有任何不是应用程序依赖项的 Qt 依赖项,则它不会默认包含。例如,为了确保 SVG 图像格式插件包含在内,您需要将 Qt SVG 模块添加到您的项目中,以便它成为应用程序的依赖项
find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Svg) ... target_link_libraries(target_name PRIVATE Qt6::Svg)
如果您想知道为什么某个特定插件未自动包含,您可以在运行 androiddeployqt 时使用 --verbose
选项以获取每个排除插件的缺少依赖项列表。您也可以在 Qt Creator 中通过在 项目 > 构建步骤 > 构建 Android APK > 高级操作 中选中 详细输出 复选框来实现。
还可以手动指定应用程序的依赖项。有关更多信息,请参阅 QT_ANDROID_DEPLOYMENT_DEPENDENCIES CMake 变量。
注意:androiddeployqt 会扫描项目中的 QML 文件以收集 QML 导入。但是,如果您在运行时从 C++ 中作为 QString 加载 QML 代码,这可能不会正常工作,因为 androiddeployqt 在部署时可能不知道这一点。为了纠正这个问题,您可以添加一个虚拟的 QML 文件,该文件导入在运行时引用的此类 QML 模块。
Qt Creator 中的部署
Qt Creator 在底层使用 androiddeployqt
,并提供了简单直观的用户界面来指定各种选项。有关更多信息,请参阅 Qt Creator:将应用程序部署到 Android 设备。
有关自定义和部署 Qt for Android 应用程序的更多信息,请参阅 在 Android 上部署应用程序。
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