// Copyright (C) 2019 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause import QtQuick import QtQuick.Layouts import QtQuick.Controls import QtQuick.Window Window { id: root required property var hostsModel visible: true width: 480 height: 640 title: qsTr("Qt Quick Secure CoAP Client") CoapSecureClient { id: client onFinished: (result) => { outputView.text = result; statusLabel.text = ""; disconnectButton.enabled = true; } } GridLayout { anchors.fill: parent anchors.margins: 10 columns: 2 Label { text: qsTr("Host:") } ComboBox { id: hostComboBox editable: true model: root.hostsModel Layout.fillWidth: true } Label { text: qsTr("Port:") } TextField { id: portField text: "5684" placeholderText: qsTr("<Port>") inputMethodHints: Qt.ImhDigitsOnly Layout.preferredWidth: 80 } Label { text: qsTr("Resource:") } TextField { id: resourceField placeholderText: qsTr("<Resource Path>") inputMethodHints: Qt.ImhUrlCharactersOnly selectByMouse: true Layout.fillWidth: true } Label { text: qsTr("Security Mode:") } ButtonGroup { id: securityModeGroup onClicked: { if ((securityModeGroup.checkedButton as RadioButton) === preSharedMode) client.setSecurityMode(QtCoap.SecurityMode.PreSharedKey); else client.setSecurityMode(QtCoap.SecurityMode.Certificate); } } RowLayout { RadioButton { id: preSharedMode text: qsTr("Pre-shared Key") ButtonGroup.group: securityModeGroup } RadioButton { id: certificateMode text: qsTr("X.509 Certificate") ButtonGroup.group: securityModeGroup } } RowLayout { enabled: (securityModeGroup.checkedButton as RadioButton) === preSharedMode Layout.columnSpan: 2 Label { text: qsTr("Key") } TextField { id: pskField placeholderText: qsTr("<Pre-shared Key>") Layout.fillWidth: true } Label { text: qsTr("Identity") } TextField { id: identityField placeholderText: qsTr("<Identity>") Layout.fillWidth: true } } FilePicker { id: localCertificatePicker dialogText: qsTr("Local Certificate") enabled: (securityModeGroup.checkedButton as RadioButton) === certificateMode Layout.columnSpan: 2 Layout.fillWidth: true } FilePicker { id: caCertificatePicker dialogText: qsTr("CA Certificate") enabled: (securityModeGroup.checkedButton as RadioButton) === certificateMode Layout.columnSpan: 2 Layout.fillWidth: true } FilePicker { id: privateKeyPicker dialogText: qsTr("Private Key") enabled: (securityModeGroup.checkedButton as RadioButton) === certificateMode Layout.columnSpan: 2 Layout.fillWidth: true } Button { id: requestButton text: qsTr("Send Request") enabled: securityModeGroup.checkState !== Qt.Unchecked onClicked: { outputView.text = ""; if ((securityModeGroup.checkedButton as RadioButton) === preSharedMode) client.setSecurityConfiguration(pskField.text, identityField.text); else client.setSecurityConfiguration(localCertificatePicker.selectedFile, caCertificatePicker.selectedFile, privateKeyPicker.selectedFile); client.sendGetRequest(hostComboBox.editText, resourceField.text, parseInt(portField.text)); statusLabel.text = qsTr("Sending request to %1%2...").arg(hostComboBox.editText) .arg(resourceField.text); } } Button { id: disconnectButton text: qsTr("Disconnect") enabled: false onClicked: { client.disconnect(); statusLabel.text = qsTr("Disconnected."); outputView.text = ""; disconnectButton.enabled = false; } } TextArea { id: outputView placeholderText: qsTr("<Client Output>") background: Rectangle { border.color: "gray" } Layout.columnSpan: 2 Layout.fillHeight: true Layout.fillWidth: true } Label { id: statusLabel Layout.columnSpan: 2 Layout.fillWidth: true } } }