快速 CoAP 多播发现
// Copyright (C) 2019 The Qt Company Ltd. // SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-Qt-Commercial OR BSD-3-Clause pragma ComponentBehavior: Bound import QtQuick import QtQuick.Window import QtQuick.Controls import QtQuick.Layouts Window { id: root visible: true width: 480 height: 480 title: qsTr("Qt Quick CoAP Multicast Discovery") function addResource(resource) { resourceModel.insert(0, {"host" : resource.host, "path" : resource.path, "title" : resource.title}) } CoapMulticastClient { id: client onDiscovered: (resource) => { root.addResource(resource) } onFinished: (error) => { statusLabel.text = (error === QtCoap.Error.Ok) ? qsTr("Finished resource discovery.") : qsTr("Resource discovery failed with error code: %1").arg(error) } } GridLayout { anchors.fill: parent anchors.margins: 10 columns: 2 Label { text: qsTr("Host:") } RowLayout { spacing: 5 ComboBox { id: groupComboBox textRole: "group" Layout.preferredWidth: 210 model: ListModel { id: cbItems ListElement { group: qsTr("IPv4 CoAP Nodes") address: "" value: QtCoap.MulticastGroup.AllCoapNodesIPv4 } ListElement { group: qsTr("IPv6 Link Local CoAP Nodes") address: "ff02::fd" value: QtCoap.MulticastGroup.AllCoapNodesIPv6LinkLocal } ListElement { group: qsTr("IPv6 Site Local CoAP Nodes") address: "ff05::fd" value: QtCoap.MulticastGroup.AllCoapNodesIPv6SiteLocal } ListElement { group: qsTr("Other") address: "" value: -1 } } delegate: ItemDelegate { id: entry required property int index required property string group required property string address width: groupComboBox.width contentItem: Column { Text { text: entry.group } Text { text: entry.address } } highlighted: groupComboBox.highlightedIndex === index } } TextField { id: customGroupField placeholderText: qsTr("<Custom Group>") enabled: groupComboBox.model.get(groupComboBox.currentIndex).value === -1 Layout.fillWidth: true } } Label { text: qsTr("Port:") } TextField { id: portField text: "5683" placeholderText: qsTr("<Port>") inputMethodHints: Qt.ImhDigitsOnly Layout.preferredWidth: 80 } Label { text: qsTr("Discovery Path:") } TextField { id: discoveryPathField text: "/.well-known/core" placeholderText: qsTr("<Resource Discovery Path>") inputMethodHints: Qt.ImhUrlCharactersOnly Layout.fillWidth: true } Button { id: discoverButton text: client.isDiscovering ? qsTr("Stop Discovery") : qsTr("Discover") Layout.preferredWidth: 100 onClicked: { if (client.isDiscovering) { client.stopDiscovery() } else { var currentGroup = groupComboBox.model.get(groupComboBox.currentIndex).value; var path = ""; if (currentGroup !== - 1) { client.discover(currentGroup, parseInt(portField.text), discoveryPathField.text); path = groupComboBox.currentText; } else { client.discover(customGroupField.text, parseInt(portField.text), discoveryPathField.text); path = customGroupField.text + discoveryPathField.text; } statusLabel.text = qsTr("Discovering resources at %1...").arg(path); } } } Button { id: clearButton text: qsTr("Clear") enabled: resourceModel.count !== 0 Layout.preferredWidth: 100 onClicked: resourceModel.clear() } ListModel { id: resourceModel } ListView { id: resourceView model: resourceModel clip: true Layout.columnSpan: 2 Layout.fillHeight: true Layout.fillWidth: true delegate: Rectangle { id: resourceItem required property string host required property string path required property string title width: resourceView.width height: contentColumn.implicitHeight color: "lightgray" border.color: "darkgray" radius: 5 Column { id: contentColumn topPadding: 5 leftPadding: 5 bottomPadding: 5 Text { text: qsTr('<b>Host:</b> %1').arg(resourceItem.host) } Text { text: qsTr('<b>Resource:</b> %1').arg(resourceItem.path) } Text { text: qsTr('<b>Title:</b> %1').arg(resourceItem.title) } } } } Label { id: statusLabel Layout.columnSpan: 2 Layout.fillWidth: true } } }